Garage Door Track Repair and Replacement in Plano, Dallas, McKinney, Fort Worth, Richardson, TX, and Surrounding Areas
Your garage door and all its parts may start to act up for one reason or another. Tracks are no exception and, if badly damaged, may need to be replaced. Whenever you experience any of the following issues and believe you need garage door repair in Dallas-Fort Worth, call Complete Overhead Door, and we’ll get you into our schedule as soon as possible.
And while the reason you need garage door repair in Dallas-Fort Worth may be something you want to forget or ignore, remember that your garage door only functions smoothly because of the correct placement of the garage door tracks. Without the tracks in their proper position, your door could get stuck. You could also overwork other parts of your garage door opener, causing them to break.
Garage Door Track Replacement
Your garage door track may need repair or replacement for numerous reasons. If you have experienced any of the following scenarios, it’s time to give Complete Overhead Door a call:
Someone bumped into the garage doors. This is probably one of the biggest causes of garage door track and replacement. Don’t worry. You’re not the first customer and definitely won’t be last. We’ve done many repairs after someone ran into their garage door tracks. Let’s get started fixing your garage doors so your garage doors will open and close as they should.
- Raising and lowering the garage door is noisy. There’s always the sound of the motor, of course. But if you start to hearing grinding, screeching, or other noises during the raising and lowering of your garage door, this could mean something is amiss with the tracks. If the tracks are bent, worn out, or twisted, any scraping noise could easily be coming from there.
- The garage door is falling, and you don’t know why. One of the most common reasons behind garage doors falling is when tracks are broken. Luckily you’ll probably hear the noises mentioned above or notice the door slipping before this happens. As scary as a garage door falling is, the damage and harm it can cause are even more frightening.
If your motor has to work harder to pull your garage door through twisted or bent tracks, you’re probably putting too much strain on it—the same with the cables. Putting unnecessary stress on the motor, cables, chain, and other components can cause them to quit, break, or burn out altogether.
As with many garage door repairs, garage door track repair should be left to the professional. You may see videos on how to do it yourself but professional garage door repair is always your best bet. You never want to take the chance of a garage door falling and hitting you or any member of your family. At Complete Overhead Door, we have top independent ratings from Google from many satisfied customers.